Who We Are

The Sherwood Park Pub Dart League is a non-profit organization that has been running in Sherwood Park since the 1990s.

Our season runs from October to April with league play on Monday nights. We are a mixed league with players of all age and skill.  There are currently three divisions of play: C Division is a great fun social while playing darts. B Division is a balance between “competitive” and “social”. A Division has an amped up competitiveness from B Div but still lots of social fun! We operate under a unique fun based 501 format with each member playing a combination of singles, doubles and team games.

In addition to regular league play, we also run four yearly tournaments; singles, doubles, the year-end divisional as well as the hugely popular “Christmas Charity Shoot” where we mix players from each division.

We also use all of our tournaments as fundraisers for a chosen local charity.

Your Executives

President: Greg Beebe president(at)dartsinthepark.com

Vice-President: Vacant

Treasurer: Corinne Boychuck treasurer(at)dartsinthepark.com

Secretary: Vicky Armstrong secretary(at)dartsinthepark.com

Draw-master: Daphne Kean drawmaster(at)dartsinthepark.com

Bar Liaison: Debbie Stirrat barliason(at)dartsinthepark.com

Member at Large: Corinne Reklow memberatlarge(at)dartsinthepark.com